Daily Living

A real friend in a time of need

February 20, 2019

Being a true friend can be challenging at times. When Job went through a hard time in his life, three of his friends came and sat with him. They sat with him for seven days and nights. They did not say a word. Silence. (Job 2:12-13). When you have a friend that is going through a tough time, sometimes it is best to sit beside them and say nothing. Job’s friends got it right for the first two verses. However, after they listen to Job speak on his anguish and sorry they got tired of listening and started to blame Job for his troubles. Proverbs 25:11 states “ Timely advice is lovely, like golden apples in a silver basket.”

Saying the right thing at the right time is difficult. Many times when you have a friend in a difficult time, sometimes you have no words to say. We have to lean on the word of God. It can be a comfort in times of need. It helps us to refocus on God and not our situation. As a friend, it is important to stand by as a comforter and not an accuser. We will not have all of the answers, but we can be a listening ear. We cannot condemn or judge others because it does not encourage them in their difficult time. We can love them and comfort them with words given by the Holy Spirit.

I have had many times where I have had friends who were going through a difficult time. Honesty, sometimes I do not have the words to say. Many times I feared that I would say the wrong thing. I did not want to be like Job’s friends. He did not get any comfort. What they said only made Job angry at them and God. So I think it is a great lesson to us when we read how Job’s friends responded to his pain. Initially, they mourned with him, but as time continued on, they got tired of Job’s woes. A lot of times we do not know all of the circumstances that have led to someone’s situation. We do not know God’s purpose in the situation; therefore we cannot judge. We should be an ear to that friend in their time of need.

Do you have a friend in a difficult situation? How have you shown them comfort?

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  1. Oh, what a great truth! I have been guilty of avoiding these types of difficult times, because I did not know what to say. I have learn that I don’t have to worry about what I’m going to say, but to let God speak or as you said just be present as a comforter and know that silence is okay. Thanks for this wonderful biblical keepsake! It has been a blessing!

  2. What great words of wisdom and truth, thank you for the positive way to help friends in trying times! Love your blog!

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