Daily Living

Being responsible

May 29, 2019

There may be a time in your life where you went along with the group. Peer pressure can happen even as adults. How did you respond? Did you go along or did you say no? Take a look at Adam and Eve. When the serpent tempted Eve, Adam was right there with her. As far as we know Adam did not say anything. “So she took some of the fruit and ate it. Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it too.” (Genesis 3:6;NLT). Sometimes, we are afraid to be different. It is tough especially when you are not usually the one in the front and giving out the orders.

As believers, we have to be accountable for our actions. We should not blame others for what we should have done. When Adam and Eve heard the Lord walking in the garden, they hid. When they spoke with the Lord, it was a blaming game right down to the serpent. Here is Adam’s reply, “The man replied, It was the woman you gave me who gave me the fruit, and I ate it.” Now Eve’s “The serpent deceived me, she replied. That’s why I ate it.”(Genesis 3:12-13;NLT) One by one God gave consequences for actions. First, to the serpent, and then Eve and Adam. One thing God does require of us is obedience to His Word.

Standing for what is right can be hard, especially if you are the only one. However, you might find that you are not the only one. Others may follow because they do not want to be the first one the take a stand. Don’t wait for someone else to lead. Pray that God gives you the courage to say no. God will provide you with the courage you need.

Let’s purpose to ask God for help to stand up for right even when others choose to do wrong.

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