Core Biblical Truths

Common Grace

October 5, 2022

Core Belief: Common Grace

As I keep reading and studying God’s Word, I am learning how much I need God for every aspect of my life.
He is here in all areas anyway, but I want to be more aware of His goodness in my life.

God is not only good to believers but to unbelievers. Each one of us is made in the image of God. His creation. Because of this, God grants every human common grace.

“Common grace is the favor that God grants to all people, both believers and unbelievers. It is God’s universal, gracious blessings that are not directly related to salvation” (Allison, 2018)

“God’s grace manifests itself in the world in two different ways” (Grudem, 2020). First, common grace is what God gives to all people, believers, and non-believers. Saving grace brings about salvation to those who believe.

All people are given undeserved love and blessing from God. He does this in several ways.

“One realm of common grace is God’s physical provisions to sustain human life. It is manifested I his provision of food, water, shelter, and other basic needs for human existence” (Allison, 2018). All of us live in this world because of God’s common grace. Every breath, every heartbeat is because of God’s grace. We all get to enjoy the beauty of the earth, such as the flowers, trees, rivers, and so much more. We get to enjoy the world that the Lord created.

God has given humans many gifts and talents to discover and invent. The ability to use resources and materials to advance in technology and science. Many people, believers and unbelievers alike, have created things to make life easier. All of the knowledge and ability come from the master creator God. This is the result of God’s common grace to all people.

The last thing I want to bring out is the knowledge of God giving us a conscience to know Him.

“The human conscience is another area of common grace. God has hard-wired every human being with an innate sense of ethical duty. This moral arbiter enables people to know the basic principles of right and wrong and to distinguish what is right and wrong in different situations.” (Allison, 2018 )

God has given this knowledge to all people. (Rom 1:21) We have a choice to yield to the Spirit of God or not. God’s common grace is to all people. God does not hide from people or only save those He wants to save. It is for all people God reveals Himself.

God’s common grace reveals how much we should be thankful to God. When we do not believe, He gives grace.

Common grace does not save people. However, it can be a way to point them to the giver of that grace.

With a grateful heart, I am humbled by the mercy and goodness of God. He has shown mercy to me before and after I have been redeemed.

“Lord, thank you for your grace. Your common grace and saving grace. I don’t deserve either, but you in your mercy have blessed me with both!”

Allison, G. R. (2018) 50 Core Truths of the Christian Faith: A Guide to Understanding and Teaching Theology

Grudem, W (2020) Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine 2nd Edition

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  1. Thank you for your clear and concise explanation of common grace. I am better equipped to explain common grace.

  2. GOD is needed in every aspect of our lives. It is for all people God reveals Himself.

    The above two statements really spoke to me. Thank you GOD!

    Keep being a vessel Dwan!

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