How to Study the Bible

Digging deeper into the Word

June 30, 2021

Learning how to study God’s Word can be a challenge, especially if you have never been taught how to do it.

As a new Christian, many of us may not have been really taught how to study our Bibles, unless we were blessed to be disciplined by someone who taught us how.

We are on fire for Christ, but sometimes it becomes daunting because we start reading the Bible and don’t understand what it is saying.

When I became a follower of Jesus, I was so grateful that I was taught the foundations of the Christian faith, but I was never taught how to study my Bible. I knew that it was important but knowing how has made a big difference for me.

I had to research and learn how to study the Bible. It has been a long journey for me, but I am grateful for it.

Studying God’s Word should be an essential part of our lives because it is God’s Word for us as followers should know what He has written for our learning.

When you know the Word, you are less likely to fall for a false teacher or new trends in the world.
God’s Word is our guidebook for our lives.

In this post, I will give a brief overview of the inductive method of Bible study, then go into more detail about each step over the next couple of weeks.

While reading the Bible and studying the Bible is different, it is vital to have the tools to do both.

The inductive method of studying the Bible is a structured process to guide you in your study.

Here are the steps of the inductive method: observation, interpretation, and application.

Each of these steps helps you study God’s Word in order for you to learn and understand it better.

Each step asks a main question.

Observation: What does it say?

Interpretation: What does it mean?

Application: How should it change me?

These questions allow you to think about the text in a detailed way to really understand and not gloss over. This method engages you to pay attention to what you are studying.

So you hope you stick around as we dive into each of these steps.