Daily Living

Fear not!

March 27, 2019

Have you ever been so afraid that it paralyzed you? Imagine what Mary felt when the angel Gabriel told her that she was to have a child? He had to comfort her not to be afraid. There are so many things to be fearful of these days. It seems like every time you listen to or watch the news someone is killed. Sometimes it makes you not want to leave the house. You can be afraid of being robbed, shot, or having a car accident. Yet we cannot live our lives inside our home. We have to remind ourselves, what are we putting our faith in? Our own strength to protect or God’s? I have to make a conscious effort to remind myself that my life is in the hands of the God of the universe. It is He who protects me from harm.

So we can say with confidence The Lord is my helper so I will have no fear what can mere people of to me?” Hebrews 13:6

Many times we have self-doubt that turns into fears. We feel that we are not good enough. We compare our ability to those around us. Maybe you fear because you have to give a presentation or a Bible study lesson and you feel like you will not be as good as others who have done it before you. You may have a test to take, and you know you have studied, but you panic when you sit down to take to test. Maybe you start a new job and do not know what to expect. All of us have had fears or fearful of certain things. What should we do with our fears? Take them captive and pray for God to remove them. Fears hinder us from doing what God has called you to do. God’s calling Is not easy. It comes with doubts and fears. Praying for God to remove our fears may be a daily or constant prayer for some of us. Are you willing to commit your fears to God?

I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me, He freed me from all my fears” Psalms 34:4

It is important to realize that in our fear we are not alone. Even if you “feel” alone we have to remind ourselves that God is always there with us. In the midst of our deepest and darkest fears, God is with us. We have to trust Him.

Even when I walk through the darkest valley I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me” Psalms 23:4