Daily Living

God can use you

February 19, 2020

Eve disobeyed God (Genesis 3:6)

Sarah laughed at God (Genesis 18:12)

Rahab lied (Joshua 2:5)

Job’s wife told him to curse God (Job 2:9)

The scriptures record the mistakes of many of its characters. No one in the Bible lived a perfect life except Jesus. He redeemed us. Jesus forgave us and died for us, making us a new person. As a new creation in Him, He can use you!

A lot of times, we dwell on our past mistakes. Many times God forgives us sooner than we forgive ourselves. When we dwell on the past, we can hinder our growth in the Lord. We get stuck in the past. God has called us to glorify Him. How can we do that if we are still grieving our past mistakes?

Your past, all of your mistakes, is your story. Your story of how God has made you a new creature. (2 Corinthians 5:17) It is how you have turned from your past to serve the one true God.

Many times in life, we feel like we are the only ones who have experienced certain things. You are not alone. There are many other people with a similar story.

When you feel comfortable, share your story. Be transparent. You might be an encouragement to someone else.

The Bible has many stories of people who have made mistakes, yet still served God. God is so gracious to us in that He provides examples of people that we who struggle too. If the Bible were filled with stories of perfect people, there would be no reason for Christ to die. We might not have known the love of God if that was so. However, that is not our reality.

Eve became to mother of humanity. (Genesis 3:20)

Sarah had the child she always wanted. (Genesis 21:1-2)

Rahab named as having great faith and is in the family lineage of Christ (Hebrews 11:31 & Matthew 1:5)

Job’s wife gave birth to 10 more children (Job 42:13)

No matter what you have done, Jesus is willing to forgive if we turn to Him. We must leave our past, but not forget it. It is what keeps us grounding in knowing how much God loves us and how much He has done in our lives.

Do you have a story? I would love to hear it. Leave a comment or email me.