Daily Living


November 21, 2018

In this season of Thanksgiving, we know that we should give thanks for the things God has done and given us. I am pretty sure that most of us do that. In my family, we say why we are thankful. It helps us to focus on the why of the Thanksgiving season. Truth be told, we should be thanking God every day for what he has done in our lives. Let’s look at a few.

One thing we are all grateful for is our salvation through Christ. Without Christ, we are condemned to an eternity without God. God’s love for us is so incredible. To sacrifice His Son and Jesus dying for us is more than we deserve. So we should, “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.” (Psalms 118:1)

Next, I am sure there are a number of situations in our lives that are not going as you would like. However, God always has a bigger and better plan. Have you thanked God in your situation? Good or bad?

“Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”
(I Thessalonians 5:18)

When was the last time you shared the goodness and greatness of God with someone? God calls us to be witnesses to the world. Light in a dark world. Part of our thankfulness is spreading that spirit to others.

“Give thanks to the Lord, and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done.” (I Chronicles 16:8)

Every day we should express gratefulness for salvation, in all circumstances, and sharing God’s greatness with others. Our gratefulness is not limited to these three, but if we start with them how much richer our lives would be in Christ.

Let’s purpose to be grateful every day! What are you thankful for today?