Daily Living

He is not there!

April 17, 2019

In the spring of 2018, I had the privilege to visit the land of Israel. It was a fantastic experience that I will never forget. I was in the land of the Bible and walked where Jesus walked. The places that I have read in the Bible were right before me. My mind would often imagine the stories of how they might have played out as I sat or stood in a particular place.

As we prepare to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior Jesus, I think back to when I visited the Garden Tomb where it is believed to be the site of Jesus’ burial and resurrection. It was a surreal experience. Because of my love for Jesus, I am so grateful for what He has done and will do in my life.

(This photo is one I took when I visited the Garden Tomb)

The resurrection of Christ reminds us of the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross and the empty tomb that tells us that He conquered died so that we might have eternal life. Jesus is not in the tomb anymore He is alive. He has risen.

(A look inside the tomb. Jesus is not there!)

Let us reflect on Jesus’s sacrifice for us. So no matter what life sends us we know that Jesus is alive and always with us. He might have died, but He did not stay dead. He lives again so that we may know His power. As Sunday approaches, lets’ set our heart to be grateful for the resurrection of Jesus. Without Jesus rising again we would be lost. God’s plan to redeem every person who accepts Him would not have happened. Therefore, let us sing in our hearts and our lips – He has risen!

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