Daily Living

I wish

April 1, 2020


Instagram. Facebook. You either have a love/hate relationship with them. Why do you think that is the case? We see photos or videos of the lives of people we know personally or don’t. We see what we don’t have or wish we had. We do not have the full story behind the camera or in the lives of the person taking the picture or recording the video. We see the outward appearance.

In I Samuel 16, Samuel is in Bethlehem to anoint a new king. Samuel meets almost all of Jess’s sons, and God does not pick one. God tells Samuel in verse 7, “ Do not look on this appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart” (ESV)

Every person in this world has issues or problems. The pictures or videos we see are not the whole of their lives. In reality, many times, they let you see what they want to see. No one’s life is always glamorous.

When we compare, we compare the part we see.

Is comparison wrong? It is when it keeps you from focusing on the life and calling that God has given you.

Our life calling is to bring glory to God and Him alone. Looking to Christ can help keep us from comparing our life to others.

So what can you do the help with the comparison?

Stop following those people! If the visual is not there, you will not be tempted to compare.

Pray. Ask God to help you focus on giving His name glory.

Focus on how you can bring glory to God in your everyday life.