Study the Context

Literary Context

March 23, 2022

The Bible is a collection of books written by various human authors as inspired by the Holy Spirit. In the world of books, there are several literacy forms in which a book can be constructed. The Bible is similar in this facet.

The writings of the Bible make up different literary forms. This is because each author communicated in specific ways to the audience in which they wrote. It is essential to understand the literary form of a Biblical passage because it will help you know the author’s perspective.

You would call this understanding the literary context.

Literary context looks at the different forms of a book and passage of the Bible, considering
how the text was written. i.e., literary styles: portray or narrative.

The major literary genres of the Bible: Narrative/story, Poetry, Proverbs, Visionary writings – prophecy and apocalypse. You can find these genres in the books of Genesis, Exodus Psalms, Daniel, and Revelation.

You might wonder why you should look at literary context? Writings are a type of literature.

Do you remember English literature in high school? Where you would learn about the different forms of literature, then you had to read a passage that employed that form. Then, later on, the test you had to read and identify which literary form was utilized in a particular passage, or you had to try to interpret what the author was trying to convey?

Understanding the literacy forms within the books of the Bible helps to understand how the author was communicating to his audience. Then you have a better understanding of the message of the Bible and how it applies to life.

Literary forms require some level of interpretation, and each literary form has distinctive features which affect how we read the passage.

This can be helpful, especially when reading the prophets. There are similes and metaphors within the books of the prophets that are hard to understand what the author is trying to communicate.

It is essential to know when the author is expressing something literally or figuratively. Understanding the literary genre of the writing helps to cut down on some of the confusion.

Besides going back to your English literature textbook, check out these books by Leland Ryken

A Complete Handbook of literary forms in the Bible
How to Read the Bible as Literature . . . and get more out of it
Literary Introductions to the Book of the Bible

There can be a lot that goes into studying the Bible. Studying takes time and dedication. Hopefully, knowing more of the literacy context will help.