Daily Living

Living Purposely

December 30, 2020

Another year has come and gone. We are looking in the face of a new year, 2021. Each day is a special one. How are you spending your days?

As believers, we should live out our purpose each day.

What is our purpose?

Jesus calls all of us to share His love and make disciples. That is our ultimate purpose in life. However, we may not do it all in the same way.

You could be a doctor, police officer, accountant, etc. all are needed occupations in the world, yet each can share the love of Jesus uniquely.

Are you living purposely in your everyday life?

Are you using your gifts to share the love of Jesus to the people around you?

In the coming year, it is always good to reflect on what you have done to share Jesus’ love with others.
Looking back is something good to assist in moving toward a new year.

How can you improve your witness in 2021? What can you start doing or continue to do in spreading the gospel?

Making the most of our time here on earth is so important. Our time is limited, and we should do our best to live for Jesus every day.

While our lives are far from perfect, we can strive to live for Christ and share him with others.

That is why we are here.

So as this year closes and a new one begins, let’s strive to live purposefully for Jesus.

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  1. I desire to live purposefully for Jesus. Also, it is my desire to let my light shine that others see Jesus in me. Finally, it is my desire to share Jesus with others. Thank you for the reminder.

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