Daily Living

Living your season

October 17, 2018

My favorite season is spring.  Everything is so green, fresh and new.  The weather is cool and not so hot. Life brings us seasons.  Ecclesiastes 3:1 states, “For everything, there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.” (NLT).  What is your season?  Job loss, singleness, married, raising children, starting a business, moving to a new state, or losing a family member in death? God allows seasons in our lives to grow in our faith.  Whether it is a joyful season or a rough season, it is an opportunity to grow in our faith.

When we look at the seasons, winter, spring, summer and fall, changes happen within each season. They are all different in some way. Nothing stays the same.  Our lives are similar to the seasons.  Every season that we go through, we are not in it forever.  A change happens, and we are in a new season.

I have learned in my life that God is great and good.  Paul expressed lessons learned in being content with whatever he had. (See Philippians 4:11). Later in the verse, Paul states a verse we are very familiar with in verse 13 “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. (NLT) God gives us the strength to be content in our situation.  God wants us to grow in maturity and our faith.  How can we do that if we never struggle or have hard times? Contentment in our season is a sign of growth.  There is a time for everything good and bad.  God knows our desires and His plan for our lives is perfect.  Our prayer should be that our desires line up with God’s purpose for our lives.

Journaling can be a great help in recording your season.  I must admit that I do not journal like I use to but every once in a while, I write down my thoughts.  Recently, as a look back over my journal, I read an entry that was about a year ago to date.  I was pouring out my heart to the Lord.  At that moment I was depressed and lost.  Nothing in my life seemed right yet God had given me a calling to encourage women in their walk with God. In my despair, I saw hope.  Hope in a good God.  The Creator of the universe and the ruler of all.  I had no idea how that calling would play out and yet here I am right now starting a blog to send a word of encouragement to Christian women to keep your faith and walk with God daily.  I pray that I will be content in my season. Whatever, the season you are in, embrace it as a gift from our good Father above. Handle it with care and learned from its contents.

What season are you in right now? What is God teaching in this season?

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  1. This is amazing Dwan! It has encouraged me during my new season of marriage, most women think that marriage is the end goal but it is not. It is still a season where things happen and the transition may not be as smooth as one would hope. I enjoy this post and I look forward to seeing more!

  2. Dwan, what a beautiful post, thank you for sharing this with me, I’ll be sure to pass this along. The Lord uses you as such an encouragement!

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