Daily Living

Looking both ways

October 31, 2018

Look both ways before you cross the street. I am sure you have heard this phrase from your mother, father, grandmother, aunt, uncle or some adult in your life as a child.  It was a warning to use caution. Stop and look. Be careful and thoughtful.  How many times have you gone head-on into a situation without thinking? I know I have.  I should have gathered all of the facts. I should have listened to both sides of the story. When I did not, I made assumptions that were not true. I soon found out that I was wrong.  I  had to correct my mistake.  I had to go to the person and admit that I assumed something that was not true. 

Stop and ask God for wisdom

As believers, we will encounter many situations in which we need wisdom. Solomon, the wisest man in the Bible, asked God for wisdom.  We read of a demonstration of Solomon’s wisdom when he had to decide how to settle an argument between two mothers. He listened to each of their stories and then decided. (See I Kings 3: 16-28) He made the right decision for that situation.  Thinking back to my situation, I should have asked for wisdom to make the right choice. Every day we have to make choices about how we react or consume facts. Many times we forget to ask the One who gives the wisdom to guide our decisions.  I have been guilty of this fact.   As we grow in our Christian walk, we need to remind ourselves to ask God to guide our steps and wisdom to make the right decisions. This should be a constant prayer on our lips. 

Let’s be intentional in asking the Lord for wisdom this week.

“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking”  James 1:5

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