Daily Living

Maturing in the Faith/ Growing Spiritually Part 1

December 26, 2018

“No one ever said at the end of his days, I have read my Bible too much”

J.C. Ryke

The New Year tends to be synonymous with resolutions. It usually causes us to make some sort of resolution. Everyone is talking about them or attempting to develop their list. I have to say I do not make resolutions. I like to list goals that I would like to accomplish. Many of them I complete some I do not. It is a part of life. Have you ever had the goal to grow in your walk with God? I believe that it is something all Christians would like to do but may have never really given it much thought unless the question was asked of us directly. What believer would not want to grow in their faith?

Starting the New Year let it be our prayer to grow in our walk with the Lord. It has to be a conscious effort on our part. “If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.” (Jeremiah 29:13). “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.” (James 1:5).

Our growth comes through the careful study of His word and applying it to our lives. As Christians, we should know that in order to learn we will have tests. Trials help us to apply what we are studying or have studied from the scriptures. Trials can be the most unpleasant part of our journey yet it can be the most rewarding because what can hurt us deeply makes us strong through the grace of God.

In this upcoming New Year let’s ask God to help us grow spiritually. Help us to mature as Christians that we may know and serve Him better.

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  1. This message resonates with me on so many levels. I feel that lately, I have not been spending and serving God to the capacity that I know He wants me to. Thanks for the reminder and the truth of God’s Word Dwan.

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