Daily Living

New things

January 8, 2020

Are you willing to try new things? I have to admit this was not always the case for me. As I have grown older, I have been more willing to try new things at least once. That seems a little backward, right?

Well, I am a happy and content introvert.

Engaging with a lot of people is not my cup of tea.

However, God has been pushing me to engage in new things and new experiences.

So as you and I look to this new year, it will bring new experiences, new opportunities, new people, new places and much more.

God loves to make things new.

As Christians, we became new when we started to follow Christ.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17 CSB).

God will bring something new into your life this year. Are you willing to accept it?

Will you faithfully walk in His will?

Last week I wrote about beginning a new year. God has a plan.

The same is true with new things. God has a plan. Are you willing to try this new thing He is telling you to do?

Are you willing to start?

I am do not know all of the new things God will bring into my life this year. I pray that I will be willing to step out in faith and follow Him. We know that in this journey of life, God is always with us. He is carrying us, leading us, and walking with us all the way.

Let’s pray for the willingness and courage to walk in what God has for us to do.

Lord Jesus, thank you for the new year. Help me to be obedient to your call. Give me the courage to trust you. Be with me as I start the plans that you have for me. In Jesus’ Name Amen.”