Daily Living

No fighting back

January 9, 2019

Imagine walking up the mountain with Abraham and Isaac. God had told Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac. (Genesis 22:1-2) Pretty sure Abraham had sacrificed to God many times yet this time was different. Isaac noticed that they did not take a lamb. He asked his father about it yet all Abraham stated was that God would provide. I am sure that Isaac was familiar with the provision of the Lord. He probably has seen it in the life of his father. However, the story changed when Abraham was tying Isaac’s hands and feet and placing him on the altar. Isaac was looking at the knife above his head in his father’s hand. An act of total surrender. Isaac did not fight back. He stood while his hands were being tied. He let Abraham lift him and place him on the altar. Isaac willingly allowed himself to be in that position. Beads sweat ran across his face, and a sigh of relief was released as the voice of the Lord told Abraham to stop.

In our life do we freely give ourselves to God? Do we give God the chase, like trying to catch a toddler running because they do not want to take a bath or go to bed? Total surrender. No fighting back. Doing what He has asked us to do.

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