Daily Living

Old things

January 15, 2020

2019 is gone.

If your 2019 was anything like my year, a lot of things happened.

I can see now the hand of God working in my life. Hindsight is always 20/20

As we reflect on the past year, while looking forward to the new, it is essential for us to thank God for His goodness. If you think back over 2019, I am sure you can find where God showed His grace and goodness to you. We should never forget God’s work in our lives. It is part of the foundation on which we stand.

As Christians, it is our past that helps to shape the future of our lives. Sometimes we can see how the hand of God was and is working in your life. We can see where the pieces of your lives were put together by God when we look back.

Many times I have asked the Lord why things have happened in my life. In His graciousness, He has allowed me to see the road I needed to travel to get to a certain point in my life. While I may not see the whole purpose of a specific journey, the peek into understanding His purpose gives me goosebumps. God is amazing! The plans He has worked out for my life are so underserving, yet I am grateful.

I guess I am striving to encourage you in the wake of the past. Gratefulness is so vital for the past, present, and future.

In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (KJV)

It has become one of my favorite verses in recent years. While it is difficult in many of my moments to give thanks (it comes in cycles), it has helped me to realize the goodness of God in my life.

Prayerfully, you can see the same in yours.

I would love to hear your stories of the past and how they have impacted your present. Leave a comment or send me an email!