October 17, 2018, one year ago. I was coming out of a difficult place, spiritually. God was teaching me to trust in Him.
Months before the afore mention date, I was really struggling with my faith. I had lost my “dream job” months before, having to return to a job I was not particularly thrilled to do. I struggled the three or four days I had to go to work. “hate” is a strong word, but that was how I was feeling. I cried out to the Lord because my life was not the way I thought it should be, but God had His own plans for me.
Throughout numerous interviews, I doubted my decision to say “no” to certain job offers. “Lord, did I do the right thing” I questioned myself. I see now that God was leading me the right way.
During that time, God moved in my heart to help people, women in particularly learn to walk and grow in their faith. I have always had this desire but never really had time to invest in how to carry this desire out. Lyfe102 was born. (Living Your Faith Everyday)
From the time I started Lyfe102 until God blessed me with a new job, it was three months.
In those three months, my faith grew more. During this time, I was learning that God allows circumstances to happen for a reason no matter what. Whether we view the circumstances as good or bad, God is not surprised by it, nor does it wreck His plans.
So I want to celebrate one year of writing this blog! Never would have thought in my wildest dreams that I would have a blog, but I am seeing how God works. In my struggle, God wanted me to get my mind off of myself and focus on how I could help others grow in their faith.
When you are going through hard times, just know God is teaching you something. We have to look at our trials through the lens of “for your good.” Even if we do not “see” the good, God will use it. As Christians, we have to learn to trust Him.
Now I am at a point in my life, where I still have doubts, but they are quickly discarded because I know and tell myself these truths: God is in control. He knows what will happen and when. And finally, His is good.
Simply, He is good!
So think back to where you were one year ago. From the perspective of God allows situations to help us grow, what was God teaching you? How are you giving glory to God in your situation?
I would love to hear your story! Leave a comment or send me an email!