Daily Living

Peaks and Valleys

August 28, 2019

Elijah had just stood for God on Mount Carmel against King Ahab. He had prayed for rain when it had not rained in three years, and God answered. It rained. (I Kings 18) Yet, when Jezebel the wicked queen of Israel sent a message that she was going to kill Elijah, he ran for his life!

Next, we find Elijah praying that God would let him die. This is a drastic change from the Elijah that was in the previous chapter who boldly stood up to the wicked King Ahab on Mount Carmel.

Elijah was in the deeps of despair.

Many times our lives mirror that of Elijah. God has just used us in a mighty way and next thing we know we are depression beyond measure.

Our lives will have peaks and valleys. The peaks show us how great God is. At the same time, the valleys show us our need for God. God is with us during our highs and He is with us at our lowest points.

“Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.” (Psalms 23:4;NLT).

As Christians, we fall short. You might think why would Elijah despair after what God had done on Mount Carmel? He should have known God would protect him.

Let’s not judge Elijah so harshly. He was human, a servant of the Lord, capable of emotions and feelings.

Have you ever felt fear or depression? Sometimes our emotions get the best of us and for a moment we panic. I think Elijah panicked. We all panic from time to time. I would say it is a part of life.

God still took care of Elijah. He gave Elijah food, drink and let him rest. Later on, God showed Himself to Elijah reassuring him that he was not alone. God met Elijah in his need. God will meet our needs. He is gracious and merciful. God knew what Elijah had just gone through. God did not scold Elijah for not trusting in His protection from Jezebel. God will provide comfort for those in need, food for the hungry and rest for the weary.

Come to me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28)

Are you on a peak or in a valley? I would love to hear from you. Please leave a comment or email me.