Book Overview

Remaining Faithful

October 12, 2022

Overview of the book of Jude

Love yourself first. God wants you to be happy and wealthy.

You might have heard people say the above statements from time to time. You might have heard them from a pastor or Bible teacher. They all have one thing in common. They are not true according to God’s standards in the Bible.

There are a lot of statements and beliefs that are widespread in the world, and what we call “Christendom” that are not true. The truth, according to God, is objective and absolute. Often, the world tells us that truth can be subjective.

Many false beliefs are swirling in our world today. Jude, the second to the last book of the Bible, warns believers about false teachers in their time.

Here is an outline of the book
Greetings (v.1-2)
Reason for the Letter (v.3-4)
Warning against False Teachers (v.5-19)
Examples of God’s judgment against false teachers (v.5-13)
Witness against the false teachers (v.14-19)
Exhortation to Believers (v.20-23)
Bible Overview

Even though the times are different, Satan has not stopped his tactics to derail believers from the truth. False teachers are among us in the church. They have an attractive message for people. Satan wants to draw believers away from God.

As believers, we have to remain faithful to God and His Word. We know that the world presents us with a different message, but some things we as believers have let the world infiltrate the church.

So, what can we do as believers? We can do that Jude told his readers, “I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.” Jude 3b

Contending for the faith requires some work. We have to dig into God’s Word daily and pray for the Holy Spirit to give us discernment.

Knowing and understanding the stories of the Bible requires time. We have to put in the work. Understanding the character of God that is revealed in the Bible is all helpful in knowing the truth. Sometimes you might have to take Bible classes that outline core beliefs of the Bible.

Knowing and understanding Christian history sheds light on Christian beliefs from the 1st century (the time of the apostles) until now. Unfortunately, today’s false beliefs tend to be recycled from history that never went away but lingered and are carried on by many people.

Studying God’s Word is a lifelong journey, like following Christ is a lifelong journey. We should continue to learn more about God and His character. So be encouraged!

“Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen”. Jude 24-25 ESV

Bible Overview (2012) Henderson Rose Publishing