Daily Living

Same things

January 22, 2020

As the new year starts, winter is continuing. It is still cold outside!

In our life, situations last for a season, and somethings we get stuck in the sameness of life. We know in our heads and hearts that whatever our situation, it will not last. Yet, nothing seems to change.

When life continues to move in a constant (sameness, no changes), it has reminded me of the character of God.

God is still in control.

He will always be with you.

He never changes

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8; KJV)

He is the same.

He is the same God who was “In the beginning.”

He is the same God who showed Noah the rainbow.

He is the same God who told Abraham to leave his family for a new land.

He is the same God who lead the children of Israel on dry land across the Red sea.

He is the same God who helped David kill Goliath

He is the same God who allowed Israel to be taken into exile

He is the same God who came as a baby in a manger.

He is the same God who feed the 5,000

He is the same God who healed the sick and raised the dead

He is the same God that died for you and me on a cross

He is the same God that rose on the third day.

He is the same God that lives in us.

So while we look at our situation and wish that it would change, we can look at God and be grateful that He never changes!