Knowing God

Seeing God in our lives

February 17, 2021

In our everyday lives, we don’t often focus on God.
When we read or study the people in the Bible, we often focus on the people’s actions or reactions toward God.

God is always present in our lives. Whether we see Him actively working or see His actions after the fact. Whichever way He chooses to work it is up to Him. I guess the point I am trying to make is that God is sovereign over everything. He is working in our lives. The question is, are we paying attention to Him?

Over the course of this year, I will be writing about various Bible characters’ lives, with the main focus being God. A lot of times, when we study a Bible character, we focus on the person or how we are like that person, but actually, the story is about God. How did God work in their life? What character of God is He showing us?

Below are quotes that have resonated with me as I read the Bible and the lives that are portrayed there.

“What God has done in the past is a model and a promise of what He will do in the future though He is too creative to do the same thing in the same way twice.” James Allman (Professor of Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary)

“The patterns that are set up in scripture are there to show us what kind of God God is so you will know how to trust Him.” James Allman (Professor of Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary)

God has shown us a glimpse of Himself. We will never fully know God in all of His glory, and we will never understand Him fully, but He has shown us how He can work in our lives and how that we can trust Him fully.

So as we look into the lives of the people of the Bible, this year, let’s narrow our focus on God, our Father, and our Savior.

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  1. Thank you for this reminder. God has used the most flawed people in the ancient Bible stories. People who take matters into their own hands and mess it up, but God still used them to further His purpose. He makes and example of them for us to learn and remember that He uses us too. Thank goodness He does!!

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