10 Commandments

Showing honor

September 20, 2023

Fifth commandment

“Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be prolonged on the land which the Lord your God gives you.” Exodus 20:12 NASB

“The first four commandments have a vertical focus that emphasizes our relationship with God. This transitional commandment—the fifth—opens a second section of commandments that have a horizontal focus, emphasizing our relationships with other people, beginning with the family.” (West, 2010)

When it comes to loving others, God starts with the family. Family is part of God’s original design. Its structure is to have a father, mother, and children. It is the responsibility of the father and mother to instruct their children in the law of the Lord.

Through the parents, children learn to obey and respect authority because parents are the first persons of authority they know in their lives. When parents teach their children to love God by obeying the first four commandments, they learn that God is the ultimate authority.

Also, children learn where are structures of authority in the world. It is through their parents children should learn how to live with authority. They learn to love their neighbor first by heeding the instruction of their parents.

“Christians have always understood that the fifth commandment is not just about parents and children but about that relationship as a template for any other relationship of authority we have in our lives.” (DeYoung, 2018)

When we hear about the fifth commandment, we see its statement about parents and children. However, it is essential to realize that the fifth commandment is not just about obeying parents. Still, it requires reverence and gratitude in addition to obedience to the authorities in our lives.

“The New Testament says that slaves ought to obey their masters—or, as we would say in our context, employees ought to listen to their employers. Wives are to submit to their husbands as to the Lord. Hebrews 13:7 says to obey our leaders in the church and submit to them. First Peter 5:5 says that younger men ought to be subject to the elders. Romans 13 says that we ought to be subject to the governing authorities. Titus 1:1 says to be submissive to rulers and authorities, obedient for every good work. First Peter 2:17 tells us to fear God and honor the king.” (DeYoung, 2018)

This commandment can be applied to the structures of authority in our lives. How are you honoring, respecting, and showing gratitude to your parents, employer, or leaders?

DeYoung, K. (2018). THE 10 COMMANDMENTS What They Mean, Why They Matter, and Why We Should Obey Them
West, R.M. (2010) “The 10 Commandments—Then and Now”