Daily Living

Spreading the word: The Shepherds

December 12, 2018

The gospel of Luke provides us with the account of the shepherds who came to see the newborn Savior. They were minding their own business watching their sheep when the heavens filled with angels proclaiming the birth of Jesus.  The shepherds believed and went to find Jesus.  They saw Him! Here is what they did next  “ After seeing him, the shepherds told everyone what had happened and what the angel had said to them about this child.” (Luke 2:17).

The Shepherds did not keep the news of Jesus’ birth to themselves. They told everyone!  Is this true of our lives?  Do we tell the great news of Jesus’ birth and His plan of salvation to everyone? May the enthusiasm of the shepherds challenge us to spread the word of what Christ has done in our lives. May we proclaim His birth to all and salvation for all.