Generally, a sense of right and wrong comes from a moral standard. We have internal knowledge of right and wrong. That standard, believe it or not, comes from God. While people may not admit that there is a God, being kind and loving comes from God.
How do we know? We can read His Word. God’s Word is the standard and authority for our lives as believers.
“… the Bible tells us what God thinks about his very words. All the words in the Bible are God’s words.” (Grudem, 2005).
God’s Word is how we learn about God’s redemptive plan for humanity and how to live our lives for Him.
“The authority of Scripture is the property by which it, as the inspired Word of the sovereign God, possesses the right to command what Christians are to believe, do and be, and to prohibit what they are not to believe, do, and be.” (Allison, 2018)
It should be held as the ultimate authority for our lives.
“The authority of Scripture means that all the words in Scripture are God’s words in such a way that to disbelieve or disobey any word of Scripture is to disbelieve or disobey God” (Grudem 2020)
Scripture shows us the character and standards of God that are truly right and wrong.
“Scripture reveals truth about God and his ways. Scripture, being authoritative, demands that Christians believe in sound doctrine and insists that they not believe in false doctrine. Moreover, Scripture establishes God’s people to obey his commandments and forbids them to disobey them.” (Allison, 2018)
We can trust in the authority of Scripture because God is trustworthy. God does not lie (Titus 1:2); therefore, He can always be trusted. Scripture shows us the way that is true.
“The truth of the Scriptures does not demand that the Bible report events with exact, scientific detail (though all the details it does report are true). Nor does it demand that the Bible tell us everything we need to know or ever could know about a subject. It never makes either of these claims” (Grudem, 2005).
Scripture provides us just what we need to live in a way that is glorifying to the Lord. Are you confident in its authority?
Christian Beliefs: twenty basic beliefs every Christian should know (2005) by Wayne Grudem
Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine 2nd Edition(2020) by Wayne Grudem
50 Core Truths of the Christian Faith: A Guide to Understanding and Teaching Theology (2018) by Gregg R. Allison