Attributes of God

The Knowledge of God

October 19, 2022

“God is omniscient. He knows everything: everything possible, everything actual; all events and all creatures of the past, the present, and the future. He is perfectly acquainted with every detail in the life of every being in heaven, in earth and in hell.” (Pink, 1972)

I have to admit one of the daunting feelings I have about the character of God is that He is Omniscient.
He knows everything—past, present, and future. I have a holy fear and awe about Him. God is the creator of all things. He does not learn or need to learn anything.

“God is always, at all times, fully aware of everything. His knowledge never changes or grows. Nothing surprises him; nothing is hidden from him. From all eternity God has known all things that would happen and all things that he would do.” (Grudem, 2005)

As humans, we learn and grow with our experiences. When we encounter certain situations repeatedly, we learn how to deal with them. We learn the knowledge to handle certain situations. We gain confidence because we learn what to do in life.

We can look at the Omniscient of God similarly. Because God knows everything, we can have the confidence in His power to take care of us.

“God knows and has known all about it from the beginning and is working all things out for His glory and our ultimate good.” (Ryrie,1972)

God has been and always will be good.

Keep this in mind while living in a fallen world. Yes, God knows the evil that will happen to us while living here. Yes, He knows how He will show us He cares for us in the situation. And, yes, it will be hard to trust Him during this time.

Remember, situations do not “catch” God by surprise. He knew about them. God is always with us whether we are here on earth or in heaven as believers.

So rest and take comfort that God is good and all-knowing.

Grudem, W (2005) Christian Beliefs: twenty basic beliefs every Christian should know.
Arthur, P (1975) The Attributes of God
Ryrie, C. (1972) A survey of Bible Doctrine