Jehovah Rophe
As a nurse, I have seen a lot of sickness, pain, and death. While working in the hospital, I learned people adapted to their sickness and pain in various ways. When we think about illness, a lot of times, we think of the physical body only. There are mental, emotional, or broken relationships that can make someone less than whole.
We see all of the brokenness because we live in a fallen world. Therefore, there is pain and suffering we will all experience while living here.
As believers, even though we live in this world, we can have comfort in knowing that God can take care of us.
In our pain and brokenness, He can provide healing. Jehovah Rophe The Lord Heals.
In Exodus, we see how God provides for the Israelites—from freeing them from slavery, parting the Red Sea to turning bitter water into sweet water. God showed His power to them, and then they complained. In their trouble, He provides.
“It was there at Marah that the Lord set before them the following decree as a standard to test their faithfulness to him. He said, “If you will listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in his sight, obeying his commands and keeping all his decrees, then I will not make you suffer any of the diseases I sent on the Egyptians; for I am the Lord who heals you.” Exodus 15: 25b – 26 NLT
Being Jehovah Rophe, God showed the Israelites that he could provide for their every need. They just needed to trust Him.
As a healer, God does not just take care of our physical needs or sicknesses; he takes care of our emotional, broken relationships, and mental needs that God can provide.
“Difficult circumstances never test the power of an omnipotent God; they only test the faith of God’s people to rely on God. Difficult circumstances are the platform on which God reveals His supernatural activity” (Hemphill, 2014)
Over and over, we see in the Old Testament how God took care of the Israelites. He required obedience.
The God that took care of Israel is the same God that can care for us today.
Hemphill, K (2014) The Names of God Revealing the Character of God