Daily Living

Trusting God with the unknown: Mary and Joseph

December 5, 2018

“Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God” Corrie Ten Boom.

God knows what the future will hold. Are we as believers willing to trust Him? Mary and Joseph had to trust God in a new situation: the birth of Jesus. Mary was in awe as the angel Gabriel told her the news. Here is Mary’s response “ I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” (Luke 1:38) Mary responded with a willing heart. She did not know what to expect. She was a virgin. Nothing like this had ever happened. It was unbelievable. Mary chose to trust God with the unknown. Mary’s faith was so strong that it was evident to others. Even Elisabeth, her cousin, saw her faith. “You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said.” (Luke 1:45)

When we look at Joseph, he also trusted God in the unknown. Once the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream telling him what to do, he did it. “ When Joseph woke up, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded and took Mary as his wife.” (Matthew 1:24) Joseph did not know what the future held. He believed what God had told him. Joseph had faith in God’s greater plan. While Joseph was told about Jesus’ ultimate purpose, I am sure he did not fully comprehend it. Many times we have to trust when we do not understand what will happen next.

I am sure there are issues in your life (or will be) where you have to trust God “blindly.” You do not know how God will work out a specific situation. It seems impossible to us, but God knows the future. Mary and Joseph had great faith. They knew that God would take care of them even when they did not understand or know what is going to happen. Our faith is tested when we have to trust God. We grow stronger in our faith in Him. This Christmas season, let us reflect on the faith Mary and Joseph exhibited by trusting God in the unknown.

Are you willing to surrender what you do not know to the One who knows?

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