Daily Living

Two wrongs do not make a right

June 12, 2019

Demonstrating grace and kindness to others when they treat you wrong is hard. We feel the need for respect. However, if you return the cruelty, we are no better than the other person. Genesis 16:4-10 illustrates a perfect example of two women treating each other wrong. Sarai had given Hagar to Abraham for a wife so that Abraham could have an heir. Hagar gets pregnant and starts to look down on Sarai because Hagar had something Sarai did not at the time. A son. Sarai gets mad and treats Hagar harshly causing Hagar to run away. Offhand you could say that Hagar got what she deserved because she started it. However, Sarai and Hagar were both wrong. Hagar for her attitude toward Sarai and Sarai for her reaction toward Hagar’s attitude.

Luke 6:31 states, “Do to others as you would like them to do to you.” This is hard to do if the other person is hurtful to you. Jesus calls us to love each other, even our enemies. This is how deep Jesus wants us to go in our commitment to Him — loving your enemies. Jesus loved everyone so much He died for everyone. Even those who crucified Him.

I know that loving others when they have wronged you is difficult. I have had a difficult time myself. We should pray for the grace of God to heal the hurt. A lot of times, it takes time for the pain to subside. Time is what it takes for a relationship to improve. God, in his graciousness, can give us the grace to treat those who hurt us with kindness.

How are you loving your enemies this week?

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  1. Oh yes, this is excellent and a much needed reminder for all of us. It is so very hard to be nice to those that have wronged us. Thank you GOD for your goodness and mercy!

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