Daily Living

Waiting on God Part 2 (Helping God out)

February 6, 2019

We know that we have to wait on God for specific situations in our lives. We also know that it is hard to wait when we really want something or a situation to happen. Many times in our own strength we try to “make” things happen. Usually, that does not work out so well. If we look at the scriptures, we see the lives of Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar. God promised Abraham a great nation would be born from him and yet he had no children at the time. And the prospects were looking hopeless considering his age and Sarah’s age.

How was he to be the father of a great nation if he did not have any children? Abraham and Sarah decide to have a child through Hagar Sarah’s handmaid. When we read further in Genesis, Abraham and Sarah’s way was not God’s plan. A Sarah was the one to have the son. God fulfilled His promise despite Sarah’s and Abraham’s hand at “helping” God with getting the nation started. Their “helping” has causes the continued conflicts between the future generation of Ishmael’s and Isaac’s descendants.

Often, we can’t wait on the timing of God and take matters into our own hands. God goes by His own timing. We try to help God out because He is moving a little too slow for us. When God works, everything falls into place perfectly. Everything works out, and we do not have to struggle to make things work. A lot of times we bring problems or issues upon ourselves because we want whatever it is now. Many times, waiting can involve years, and we think to ourselves “I don’t want to wait any longer!” We try to make things happen on our own, and it does not turn out the way we hoped. Sometimes we bring hardships on ourselves that do not have to be. Why? Because we want our own way in our time. In the meantime, we miss out on the wonderful way God had planned for us in that situation.

Have you tried to “help” God out in a particular situation in your life? How did it turn out?

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  1. Dwan,
    Thank you for this important reminder on waiting on God. I enjoyed reading your words of this topic. I especially liked what you said in the following:

    “Often, we can’t wait on the timing of God and take matters into our own hands. God goes by His own timing. We try to help God out because He is moving a little too slow for us. When God works, everything falls into place perfectly. Everything works out, and we do not have to struggle to make things work. A lot of times we bring problems or issues upon ourselves because we want whatever it is now. Many times, waiting can involve years, and we think to ourselves “I don’t want to wait any longer!”

    I am so guilty of not always being patient in this process and giving my so call help to our mighty God. I am learning as time goes on that God does not need my help. I do have to let go completely and see God do a mighty work. As you said, when God works, everything falls into place perfectly.
    Thank you for these words of wisdom!

    1. I understand completely. I have been guilty of the same thing. God is great and He is Good. I am learning to trust more and more. Thank you for writing!

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