Over the last couple of weeks, I have been writing about tools to help you study the Bible. If you miss them, you can go back and read here (add link) Part 1 and Part 2
In the last couple of years, I have started to find what works for me as I study the Bible. I have been studying the Bible for some time, and I am still learning how to dig deeper.
That is why I shared the list of tools you can use to study the Bible. Sometimes we need a little help, and I want to share what I have learned with you.
In this week’s post, I am pulling one of the tools to look at it a little closer. You might have gotten what tool I am talking about from the title.
Bible handbook
A Bible handbook is like an encyclopedia but in one-volume.
It can provide an overview of the Bible and the books of the Bible. Usually, they give an overview of the history of the Bible as a whole. This helps one to understand how we got the Bible and how it is put together.
Handbooks provide an overview of each book of the Bible. It reviews the theme, the author, outlines the book. It draws the cultural, historical, and archaeological aspects of each book of
the Bible.
Since we are not accustomed to the culture of the Bible, they educate us on how life was at that time. Handbooks help you understand the various people and places in the Bible.
Some Bible handbooks have pictures, diagrams, maps, charts, and lists to give visual aid in understanding various parts of the Bible.
There are various types of Bible Handbooks.
Some are more visual than others.
Some provide an overview of the books of the Bible. Some talk about seeing Jesus in the book. Still, others provide a summary of the application of the book to one’s life.
The first three handbooks below are the illustrated type that shows more pictures and diagram from Bible times.
Holman Illustrated Bible Handbook
Willmington’s Bible Handbook
Unger’s Bible Handbook
These resources provide more of a detailed outline and summary of the Bible.
The Bare Bones Bible Handbook by Jim George
Talk Thru the Bible by Bruce Wilkinson and Kenneth Boa
Halley’s Bible Handbook – Online (click here)
Both help enhance your understanding of the Bible. Especially books like Leviticus or Deuteronomy!
I hope this was helpful to you. Let me know if you have ever used a Bible handbook before and, if so, which one.